Matt Aslett's Analyst Perspectives

Cloud computing has had an enormous impact on the analytics and data industry in recent decades, with the on-demand provisioning of computational resources providing new opportunities for enterprises to lower costs and increase efficiency. Two-thirds of participants in Ventana Research’s Data Lakes Dynamic Insightsresearch are using a cloud-based environment as the primary data platform for analytics. 

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Topics: Analytics, AI, Data Platforms, Analytics & Data, AI and Machine Learning, Generative AI, Data Intelligence

I have previously written about the impact of intelligent operational applications on the requirements for data platforms. Intelligent applications are used to run the business but also deliver personalization, recommendations and other features generated by machine learning and artificial intelligence. As such, they require a combination of operational and analytic processing functionality. The emergence of these intelligent applications does not eradicate the need for separate analysis of...

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Topics: Analytics, Artificial intelligence, Data Platforms, Analytics & Data, AI and Machine Learning, Generative AI

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